Loving Kenn Goodall's latest sketches, commissions and new work he has been uploading on his blog.The above piece is Animal Collective for Beard Magazine. Have you gotten their new album yet? If not you need to, it's seriously the perfect accompaniment to Spring 09!
Friday, November 29, 2013
Thursday, October 31, 2013
our first and failed attempt potty training part 1
Sunday, October 20, 2013
holly wales..
seeing as i am a typical new englander and all i can do is talk about the weather i thought i'd post holly wales graphic images of wintery landscapes. aren't they lovely? oh what i wouldn't do to be inside one of those toasty little triangular bungalows, sippin on some coca...oh, sorry i'm fading out over here. not only is holly incredibly talented, she's also a real hoot and a holler. here's part of her artist bio:
holly wales, one-time bicycle connoisseur,spends her time gallavanting about the countryside and contradictingherself at will. she can often be found 'midst the drizzle and thesleet in a london tea-haus drawing pictures and leaving them behind forthe amusement of deaf german tourists.
holly recently designed a print for early griffin, mentioned in a post last month, which is brilliant. class of 72 isa limited edition print which recreates a yearbook that somebody took amarker to. (my sister, brother and i did this to my mom's yearbook. she wasn't that stoked. surprise!) make sure to check out holly's other images. she's got a lot of great images on her site as well as some pretty sweet duct tape animal sculptures.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
stephanie dowell. part one..
once stephanie dowell moved to austin, tx she was forced to experiment w/ all sorts of different mediums after leaving her oils and canvases behind in a storage unit in portland. having worked mainly w/ oils since she was only a wee five year old, stephanie began to experiment w/ all sorts of mediums. stephanie employs everything from glitter pens, metallic pencils, pearlescent inks to colored pencils and water colors. she's been having a grand time sorting out her process w/ her latest work. she draws, scans, tweaks in photoshop, then draws some more, scans them again, photoshops a bit more and then repeats the process til she's happy w/ her images. what has emerged are adorably forlorn electro kitties, flourescent mazes and acid trip landsacapes. a little bit reminiscent of the black velvet paintings i so badly wanted by bff's older brother douglas to win for me when i was 12, i can't help but want one of these images for my bedroom. oh but wait! stephanie is also a super talented photographer...just check out the post below.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
to my three-years husband
Saturday, August 24, 2013
amy sacksteder..
i recently saw amy sacksteder's work in the spetember/october issue of new american paintings. i texted her name to my email address, googled her, found her website and contacted her as soon as i got home. the above painting entitled in all sincerity really caught my eye, there's a patience and frenetic energy that co-exists calmly. it's clear why amy was accepted into the prestigous publication. she has some solo shows coming up, check out her site for more information and to see older work, new work and work in progress.
in all sincerity, detail.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Reader LOVE Jessica Robles..
Sunday, August 18, 2013
red booties, little swords and colorful tears..
matthew feyld has instantly become one of my favorite artists of late. his drawings and paintings are whimsical and colorful, yet have a sort of bittersweet under tone, which always appeals to me. his images remind me of this book that was read to me as a child, but for the life of me i cannot place the name or anything really other than that the main character was a sad boy w/ a pointed head who lived in the woods. i googled it and everything; pointed head, sad, children's book. nothing.
feyld's characters are men w/ bulbous heads (w/ beards, i'm a big fan of the beard), bears, rabbits, and birds. they are usually carrying sticks or swords. prancing or running in tights w/ little booties, usually red. his attention to detail is what i really like.there is so much fine detail around the actual faces of the characters, each exhibiting really subtle expressions of hope or sadness. many of his subjects have colorful tears running down their cheeks, little crosses on their foreheads, lots of detail around the eyes, rays shooting from the booties. you can see the care and hard work in each and every piece.
so far this is what i have found on him as in terms of his bio...
"Matthew Feyld, Saskatoon-based artist, is a lad who grew up with abirth defect that made his head swell unbelievably. This happened atthe worst times possible: during show and tell, at the science fair, onhis first date... It happened from stress. He found that keeping calmhelped his head stay normal and drawing, painting, scribbling was hiscure. His work is almost voodoo to keep his swollen head fromreappearing. It recreates his greatest fears: beady eyed monsters withgiant balloon heads fighting off the world in tights."
so cute. funnily enough it just reminds me more of that children's book i cannot seem to remember.
although unemployed, i am saving for a piece of his. yep. i'll subsist on beans alone if i have to.
you can see his stuff on flickr or check out his blog.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Home Improvement Center Some understanding Into choosing the Best Water medicine principles For You
Most population realize that the potential of our water has been going south for some time. Many are involved sufficient to whether filter the H2O they’re using or purchase a product they believe to be clean. There are countless ways to deal with contaminants but what exactly is the
Article Content:
Most population realize that the potential of our water has been going south for some time. Many are involved sufficient to whether filter the H2O they’re using or purchase a product they believe to be clean. There are countless ways to deal with contaminants but what exactly is the best water treatment system? Maybe this can help.
Options for residential purification run the gamut. Carbon is a popular filtering medium and can be found in whether granulated or solid block form. Carbon is good at enthralling chemicals and some heavy metals, like lead. These are things you without fail don’t want in your drinking water and most movable filters, such as carafes, use this carbon process to filter liquid for drinking, cooking and ice.
Clean HouseThe problems with these carafes, which have become quite popular, is that, in order to be effective the filters need to be changed frequently, as in every two weeks or so. This starts running into money and is the hypothesize why the maker roughly gives the units away. They want your repeat maintenance business.
Also, these carbon filters are only good at removing safe bet contaminants, such as chlorine and lead. Whole house treatment systems can purify the water throughout your entire house and can be designed to fairly well address any specific problems you’re experiencing. If your supply is ‘hard’, i. E., contains a large attention of minerals, this is best handled by a softener. This will give you cleaner water in the shower or bath and also in the sinks. It will also soften your clothes washing motor hook-up, which should improve your laundry results and also save you money on the purchase of cleaning supplies.
If you opt to soften the supply arrival into the house it’s a good idea to think further treatment of the stuff you’ll be drinking, using for cooking and for development ice cubes. Softened water isn’t very good for consumption and softening basically removes minerals only. You want your drinking product to be much more purified than this.
Rather than selecting to consume a store-bought or carafe-filtered product it might be worth your venture to get a reverse osmosis drinking system. This can be an adjunct to your softener, and will take off nearly every contaminant found in residential supplies. This may be the best water treatment system for home use. Shop around. Prices in this area vary greatly from unit to unit.
Some understanding Into choosing the Best Water medicine principles For Your Home
Tags: Choosing, medicine, principles, understanding
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
The Dogs The Teensiest Sheep Herder
So adorable! Maybe a new trick for Montecristo to learn??? Haha
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So adorable!
Maybe a new trick for Montecristo to learn??? Haha
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
What theyve been up to
So much so that he can’t take his hands off of it even to eat. by the way, this is the only way he holds his bottles now.. silly kid..
Did I mention he also got a train set???? I’m pretty sure Aaron bought it for himself. Miles doesn’t seem to mind..
He gets distracted by the tv very easily. Yesterday I was singing the little Einstein’s song and he immediately turned towards the off tv. I guess he thought rocket was on!
He has done some snoozing in the car…
And there has been lots and lots of tickling…
A little wipy eating…
(on a side note, we actually changed wipes. For some reason when you pulled the wipes out of these packages he would gag. Really strange, and kind of funny.. He loves playing with the empty package, but pulling the wipes out was rough on him. The new wipes seem to be going better..)
He loves his little elmo…
(please ignore the cord, I promise its not plugged into anything. It is just really his favorite toy. it’s actually 1 of 3 cords in his “toy pile”)
They sit outside and wait for me to come home everyday. This is by far my favorite time of the day…
He flashes cheezy grins and daddy..
And plays with his tutu!
And Aaron tries desperately to capture the 2 !!!!!!!!!! top teeth!
We are now up to 4 teeth. The bottom 2 came in right as he turned 7 months old. Almost the same exact time. (days a apart) and we noticed the first top tooth at church on Sunday. It had broken all the way through, and Aaron says the second top on has also.
In other big news, I think he may have officially doubled his birth weight! This typically happens between 4-6 months. I think by 9 months he will be there! He has plenty of 9-12 month outfits. But believe it or not, I still catch Aaron dressing him in 3 month outfits! And they still fit. He is mostly in 6 months.
He is getting soooo close to being able to crawl. He really wants too. I think one day it will just happen and he wont even realize it..
We’re toying with the idea of a new car set. Not because he doesnt fit. Heck, he’s probably still fit in his infant carrier till he’s two! But we’re just getting sick of it. I have the worst time making decisions about his kind of this. I have researched to the end of the earth and I think I might be coming up with a choice very soon!
Allergies are going well. We reintroduced sweet potatoes. It went well, but he hasnt had them again since. We also introduced peaches last weekend. That went well too. So we are on peaches, apple sauce and sweet potatoes. Right now he’s basically getting apple sauce every few days. Its the only one that we feel 100% comfortable with. This allergy still has me so baffled, its amazing how different kids with the same condition can be. Some can’t do apple sauce, yet its our only “safe” food. Thankfully, no more episodes! YAY!
Monday, August 5, 2013
ugly ducklings..
hey, do you want to be inspired? do you want to get out of the winter doldrums and start creating again? do you want to stop acting like tivo is your new bff (i'm partly talking to myself here, sorry.) and feel rejuvied all over again? if so, go here and watch the trailer to the documentary, beautiful losers. it's amazing and wonderful and you will be inspired. i promise. more info on the film here. or if you are too lazy to even leave this page then just watch the kind of crappier version below. jeez, winter hit you bad, huh?
Sunday, August 4, 2013
stunning pasteup by miso..
I was just trolling around on flickr and saw this magnificent paste up by miso. I can't even imagine the delicacy it took to roll this onto the wall. She is by far one of my favorite street artists around today. Total talent. I have the below drawing on my desk top, and I love it and if I had one wish it would be that it was a drawing on my wall.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
bob london..
Kenn Goodall just turned me onto Bob London. Wow, I'm delighted he did. Bob's illustrations are so awesome. Right? I know all you illustrators out there are loving these, how could you not? What's more awesome is Bob has uploaded a ton of his moleskin drawings on his website. As I said in the post I wrote about Kenn, checking out an artist's sketchbook is such an honor and so very inspiring. Bob has currently finished a bunch of illustrated commercials you can see here. To see more of Bob's work check out his website. He's got t's for sale on there as well...man, I wish he would issue that Bunny sweatshirt again. Am I right?
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Pet Dogs Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Ottawa Dog Blog!
From everyone at the Ottawa Dog Blog, we’d love to wish you a merry christmas, happy holidays and a happy new year!
Article Content:
From everyone at the Ottawa Dog Blog, we’d love to wish you a merry christmas, happy holidays and a happy new year!
Monday, July 29, 2013
Audrey Erickson..
"The medium of most of my recent work is gouache on paper, and I guess you could say that the subject matter that I paint comes from the fact that I'm just a good old fashioned cat lady...well, maybe that's taking it a bit far, but avid cat enthusiast to say the least. I find felines to be wildly fascinating and they have a kind of otherworldliness and mystery to them. So although I'm sort of a realist style painter, I like to add elements of fantasy and humor to the little world that i've created for them. I like my paintings to make me laugh when I'm done, and can only hope that my peers get a kick out of it too. I'm starting to incorporate a variety of magical animals into my new work as well, along with plenty of cats of course, and I'm excited to see how it all works together."